Monday, June 05, 2006

i'm melting....melting...what a world..what a world...

This is my favorite part of the Wizard of Oz. That speech delivered by the Wicked Witch is hilarious!
But, I have to say that I feel that way right now. No, not just because it's 113 degrees outside (literally). But, because I feel the burdens of about ten people on me right now and it's pushing me down to the ground.
I'm tired of being sick with this stupid disease....BLECH! I'm tired of not getting to eat what I want.... I'm tired of having to constantly be on the alert for any "bad ingredients" hidden in my food. Bright side: I am meeting with a pharmacist who does the natural approach to IC. I meet with him on Wed. Just pray that he has some encouraging news for me. I'm weaning myself of the medication, just can't afford it anymore. $200 a month is just too much for one little family! So, hopefully he can give me some different options.
I'm glad that we're headed out for a fun weekend. J's good friend Andy is getting married, so we are going to that. Bought myself a fancy new dress (yes, you heard me, a DRESS) to wear and might even get some new shoes too! HA! I get to see my aunt and grandparents, so that will be great too.
I get to come home to a home cooked dinner at the home of our new pastor and his wife...does that sound weird Ben? Lots of use of the word "home" right there.... We are excited for some good fellowship and getting to know some new people even better.
So, I guess I should just say, pray for us. We are struggling with a LOT right now. No work, illness, family moving away, no house options.......a LOT!
Hope you all are having a good week. I probably won't post again until I get home.
Love Ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Jen,
Hey... What to say? Actually, I've finally hand-written a letter to you and was going to email it just now. BUT... Our computer has crashed and I don't have your email address. So if you would email me with your address, I'll go ahead and send you this letter I've been working on.

I hope to hear from you... I'm so sorry, Jen.