Tuesday, April 04, 2006

out of it

I am feeling really tired. This medicine they have me on is doing screwy things with my emotions and sleep. This was going to be an update post, but I don't know if I can stay awake to finish it!


Well, I have to say that I am feeling so much better! The diet sucks, and the meds are making me really out of it. But I only went to the bathroom 7 times yesterday, vs. the 20 times from last week! So, YEA!!! I am really snapping at my family (more than usual - HA!) and I just feel like a space cadet! So, pray that my body comes into alignment with all the changes.


No news here. We have looked outside of Chandler/Gilbert, but still are having a hard time fitting it into our budget. So, I think we are going to passively look around and wait until August. Hopefully, J's work situation will improve and we'll be able to afford something closer in.


I am happy. I am tired and feeling weird, but happy. There are situations you just can't change, no matter how much you want them to be different! So, I'm embracing happiness and going from there!

Side Note: They are having a girl's worship dance class at the church to put a dance together for Mother's Day. I signed Cais up and I'm going to go with her and see if they need any help. I'm excited about this opportunity for Cais and I hope this is leading her in the right direction.

That's it for today! I'm headed off for a little nap before I pick up Cais! Love you all!


Matthew Self said...

Jen, give me a call about the real estate stuff. Maybe I can bounce some ideas back at you that might help your search. 480-832-7353.

linda: off the loom said...
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linda: off the loom said...

Jen, I'm so sorry you have this interstital cystitis, and you are going through so much with having to change your whole life, the cost and side affects of the meds, etc. I'll be praying for complete restoration of your health.
Hugs to all. . .

Jenell Coker said...

All will come around! God has you on his mind.

Marlene said...

I'm so proud of you for finding happiness in the midst of all the other things you're going through! We are praying for you in all areas! Hang in there!