Thursday, April 06, 2006

my girls

"Is it possible to have 'mother love' for kids that aren't yours?" a friend asked me recently. I had to say a resounding "YES!"

Sometimes (just for shock value) I tell people that we have six kids. Our oldest is 22 and our youngest is 2. HA! People stare incredulously at me until I explain that my oldest three aren't mine.

But, I have to say that I do believe that they are. Even though I did not bear them physically, I love them like I do my own. Jill, Toe and Trever will forever remain in my heart. I will never give up on them. I will always love them and care about their lives - what they are doing and where they are headed. Even though we do not live together, I still wish that I could see them every day. Even if just to give them a hug and let them know that I love them.

I recently "found" Jill and Toe through MySpace. Christie Weehunt (another one that I love dearly) let me know that I could find them there. So, we have reconnected and I am so happy. I love the fact that they aren't afraid to tell me the truth. They know I love them enough to look past it. They are "my girls." I have always called them that and I love the little smile that they get on their faces when I do.
Dana - are you on MySpace?

Anyway, just feeling a little nostalgic tonight. J is doing the paper route this week, so I am up alone while he is trying to get a couple extra hours of sleep in. He is so great to help this lady out. I guess it helps us out too. Three birthdays in one month is hard to pay for! Plus with my meds and treatment, who knows what that will cost us! So, even though it's a pain in the butt, I know it's God providing during this time. My father-in-law hired me to do a brochure for his new company too. Just pray that I don't strangle him before it's all over - HA!

Pray for creativity for me because these meds are messing with my brain. I may have to reduce the antidepressent in half. I'm going to talk to the doctor tomorrow. Still hating this stupid diet too. Maybe that's why I'm so chocolate for a week will do that to you! ARGH! I'm hanging in there though - just trying to figure out what the heck I can eat! Surprisingly, dinners are the easiest! I bought this herbal sweetener called "Stevia" today. It can be put into water to flavor it. It's not bad and since I HATE drinking water, it does help and was worth the $15 I had to pay for it! I also bought Almond Butter since I can't have Peanut Butter. Not bad either - I actually may like it more! So, progress is being made!

1 comment:

Alyson said...

I have always appreciated the love you have for those kids. It is truly a God love and to be respected. They are very neat kids and I know that God has a call on their lives!

Are you on more than one medication? I thought it was a med for the IC(?), but you mentioned the antidepressant. Just curious. I know that it can take time to get these things regulated. I hope that you can be on a speed course so that you don't have to deal with the wierdness for very long.

I love you.