Saturday, February 25, 2006

home sweet home???

Isn't it weird how God works sometimes? Here I am, finally feeling a bit of security in the knowledge that we have a house to rent for a few months before we have to make any big decisions regarding buying and I get a phone call on Tuesday that just threw me for a loop.
Our landlord (ReMax) called to inform us that the lady that owns this house is going to sell it (and all her other investment properties in AZ) and would like to give us first option. WHAT?!?!?!?! So, I call her back and find out that she is going to ask $305K for the house.....Yea, right! HA! I told her that we wouldn't be interested, but what would that do to our lease? She said that our lease would remain intact, and because it's a legally binding agreement, they will only sell to investors looking for rental property. This way we will still have our lease, just with a different investor.
Welll, I have to say that this makes me feel a bid unsettled. I'm not sure that I want to have to deal with someone new at the end of my lease trying to explain all the things that we went over with our current landlord at the beginning.
Here's the interesting part...I have found a house that I really like. It is in a older, established neighborhood and has been completely remodeled. They are asking $245K, but we think we might be able to get it for around $235K. I had found this home a while ago and just wishfully thinking said, "God, wouldn't it be great it they would let us our of our lease to buy this house?" ( I need to stop doing that, it always gets me into trouble!)
So, I talked to the landlord about it. She said that they would rather us move out, because it enables them to be able to sell it to anyone, not just investors. So, they will let us out of our lease with a 30 day notice.
Needless to say, I am more than a little freaked. The thought of packing up and moving again in a month's time is not appealing. However, the alternative is having to keep my house really picked up and clean to show to realtors (for which we will receive $100 of our rent each month until it sells). Not appealing either, as I have just begun to recover from three years of doing that! ARGH!
So, I guess I'm asking for prayer. We would actually like to buy this other house, but we are afraid we won't qualify because we haven't been in business long enough. Any thoughts, ideas, opinions or advice would be GREATLY appreciated! Anyway, that's my drama for the week - HA!


Jen Johnson said...

Update: Went online today, house has been sold...for the $245 price tag....bummer....still going to pursue this and look around, so pray that we find something!

Jenell Coker said...

Talk to Ward. He can let you know if you qualify in advance. He worked wonders for us and Owen and Ally Cat. Good luck!

Matthew Self said...

Jen, I might have a solution for you. Depends if you're interested in Queen Creek or not. I'll call you tomorrow.