Wednesday, February 15, 2006

in a nutshell

Just a brief post to tell you about the events of the last few days:
Sunday we went to "the gathering," an alternative evening service at the Word of Grace church in Mesa. We had a really terrific time and felt quite comfortable. I don't know if that will be where we attend regularly, but it was great just gettting back into church and being able to worship. They have about 45 min. of worship - which is SO great.
I feel somewhat compelled to give the Gilbert Vineyard another chance. We let others feelings and opinions affect our opinion of this church, and I don't know if we really gave it a fair chance. I have met (through Jason's blog) a couple who attend this church. We are meeting at some point for coffee and a movie and I hope to be able to talk with them about what happened and get their point of view on the subject. I don't know, but I feel as if this meeting is God ordained so that we can get perspective and clarity.
But, in any event, we need to find a church soon! Our kids can't be shuffled from one church to another much longer. It isn't fair to them.

Valentine's Day was great. J was his typical wonderful self and bought me a dozen roses and some really cool candlesticks. We got take out from Applebee's (not recommended unless you like cold, badly presented food) and the kids actually stayed upstairs for 45 min. while we ate and talked. It was great!
I find that I don't give my husband enough credit sometimes. He loves me so much and always goes above and beyond to make sure that I am happy and taken care of. I feel almost apologetic at times to friends whose husbands don't do as much. But, no more! J is so thoughful and I want everyone to know that! I feel very blessed and honored to be the one for him!

And in other news of the kids are sick's appt. at 10:30....not feeling so great myself....probably all the crap I ate last night....still continuing to lose weight....154.5 at yesterday's weigh-in.....

So that's a nutshell! Have a blessed day!


Jen Johnson said...

Weird to comment on my own blog...just a brief update....Cais is fine....Sam is recovering from his ear infection of last week....Wil has a mild case of bronchitis and one ear infection....antibiotics have been purchased, and this tired mom is going to bed!

Jenell Coker said...

I hope the church thing goes well! I agree that this all might be a God thing.

Matthew Self said...

Jen, my parents go to the Sunday morning service at Word of Grace and Dr. Andy Jackson at is senior associate pastor there. It's a good church if that's where you settle down. I'd certainly reccomend it based on many personal acquaintances.

My wife has been going through a major pain spike so I've held off calling you until I know she has a handle on it. These things come and go. Sometimes it's three days, sometimes its two weeks.

In the meantime, I'd be more than happy to speak with you about Gilbert Vineyard. I was one of the first members back in 1989 and the pastor is one of my closest friends. I don't know everything that's gone on there, but I know probably more than I should. Please do call me if you have any questions.

Alyson said...

Good job on the weight loss.

Don't be apologetic that J. rocks when it comes to taking care of you. I think we are all happy for you and agree that you are blessed.

I'm glad to hear that everyone is getting better.

And I hope that you find peace in a church soon. I'm sure God has some sort of plan!

Alyson said...

In your defense, Jason, I know that Valentine's night was not your choice for that class. But I must wonder why the "schedulers" would do that to you?? I was also at work on Valentine's night. At least you were helping people, while I, on the other hand, was only feeding them.