Wednesday, February 22, 2006

growing up

I hope my children
look back on today,
And see a mom who
had time to play.
There will be years
for cleaning and cooking,
For children grow up
while we're not looking.

I'm starting to feel like time is quickly passing me by. My kids are getting older and I know I am entering a new season of my life. While I am excited about this, I still miss the smell of a newborn, the fact that they take naps and don't whine, they don't talk back, and they are totally in love with you all the time.

Cais is getting so big. Last night she cuddled with me on the couch for an hour! I was so shocked! This is the child who NEVER wanted to be held or touched for very long. She is one of those kids who is in for the quick hug and then is off again. I just look at her and see so much of J and I in her. She looks like both of us, and has parts of both our personalities. She has lost three teeth in the last two weeks and is beginning to look like she did at a year old! HA! (See photo.)
Sam on the other hand used to be my cuddler. Now he only wants mommy, not daddy to kiss and hug him. He only wants mommy to call him "honey." Cause these are "girl" things to do and say. J is crushed. I just registered Sam for an eight week kindergarten preparation class and I also registered him this afternoon for kindergarten at Destiny. SNIFF! While he still looks like J, he defintely has a lot of my expressions and coloring. And I can imagine that he is a lot like J at this age. He is mellow and laid back. Not like the other two....unfortunately they take after their very high strung mommy...especially Wil.
If I had known that naming my son Wil would make him willful, I think I would've found a different name! This child is exactly like me at this age, according to my mom, in looks and personality. But where did all that blond hair come from? A mystery to be sure! This little guy is such a light in our household. His little voice and laugh are something you just don't want to miss! He is hilariously funny, mimics everything you say and really appreciates the finer points of talking back to mommy and daddy......willful....that's my baby!
Anyway, I'm feeling a little melancholy today so this is why this is a little sentimental. Hope you all are doing well and continuing to "grow" where you are planted!


Marlene said...

My son Ryan had to write an autobiography last week in his 5th grade class. It had to be a half of a page per year of life, and a picture. Well, I got really into it with him, as he would ask...Mom what did I do when I was one, what did I do when I was 2, etc., all the way to 10. It was so fun to reminise about the early years, and I got very melancholy,too. He is my precious little boy, and was recently diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, which is a high functioning (social) form of Autism. We are looking into programs to get him in as soon as we can.
Then there's my beautiful Molly. She will be 8 in April, and is really growing up way too fast. She is starting to really enjoy Mom and Molly time as she calls it, and I have to say, I love it! My outgoing, bundle of energy, freckled face, and toothless girl is a joy to be around.
O.K. enough of me...
I know what you're feeling, Jen. I look at my kids everyday, and think, did you grow overnight? You have 3 gorgeous children, so hold them dearly and closely now, because time goes by way too fast, and before you know it,they will be going off to college. Yikes!
I miss them!

Alyson said...

This is really more than I can handle sometimes! I have cried through the post and all the comments. It breaks my heart when I think of all the kids growing up apart and us missing out on one another's kids. Side note: I really enjoyed getting to reconnect with your kids when we were in AZ.

My kids amaze me every day and I wonder where they came from. They are so much their own people. They have friends and coversations that have absolutely nothing to do with Owen or me. How wierd is that? I cringe to think of the day when they are gone from my house. I hope I am able to survive the empty nest syndrome.