Sunday, September 17, 2006

soccer stars

Here are a couple pics of my "soccer stars" in action this weekend. Cais won her game (2-0) and ALMOST scored. Sam's team lost (5-3), but he got to play goalie for the first time ever and as you can see, he loved it! He blocked three shots and only got scored on once! He is the youngest player on the team and can play with the best of them. I was really proud of both of them. One of the boys on Cais' team has a crush on her (his mom told me). That was a little weird to hear! I don't know that J and I are quite ready for that! HA!
Anyway, enjoy the pics! I'll post more towards the middle of the week.


Jenell Coker said...

Go Team!! Great pics.

Miss you! I will call soon.

Alyson said...

Kids are looking good, as always. My poor deprived children have not yet played soccer, much to their dismay! It really must suck to have a busy mom.