Last night I decided to create a shirt that says "I survived the first day of school....AGAIN!" Two down and one to go! With school starting today, I can honestly say that I'm glad I only have to go through this one more time. I don't think my heart could take much more.
After crying myself to sleep last night, I awoke to a severe headache and knot in my stomach. I got up early, as I was meeting my mom for breakfast after I dropped the kids off at school. Cais woke up with a bloody nose, but a positive attitude for the day. I had to wake Sam up, but he was in a good mood as well. All in all the morning went great. The kids ate, brushed their teeth, and got their hair combed in record time. As we set off to Destiny, I tried hard to just focus on the excitement they were feeling. We got to the school and I went inside with them to drop off their 8 million school supplies. We then ventured to the playground to line up and get ready for the first day of school. As all the kids stood in line, I realized that I was one mom among many who were struggling with their "baby" heading off to kindergarten.
When the bell rang, all the kids lined up and there was A LOT of excited chatter in the lines. All except kindergarten. Those kids were all a little shell shocked, not quite believing that all this was actually happening. Sam got a little teary when I said goodbye, but he hung tough and marched with his class into their room. Cais, of course, was the center of attention...holding court with her friends like she didn't have a care in the world. I was pleased that she actually kissed me goodbye.
I spent the day with my mom and our friend Kenda, getting her classroom ready for their first day of school on Wednesday. Kenda is a music teacher at another elementary school in town. We had a lot of fun, and it helped keep my mind off of my misery.
At 3 pm, I picked up the kids, full of energy and stories of the day. One kid puked in Sam's class (chalking that one up to nerves, hopefully), another kid got his card turned in Cais' class (behavior). Their little faces were lit with excitement!
But, I have to say that this is no fun for mom. While I am SO happy that they like school, I missed them today. I guess I'll get used to it. Wil was a little lost as well. Not used to having no one but mom to entertain him!
Anyway, just some reflections on the first day of school....the next step in the long process of growing up. I told J that if I was this bad now, what was I going to be like when they left for college or....gasp...for good! WAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
we were scared for Jennah going full time this year. Next Year Annah goes to school - but somehow I think she will be kick butt in it. We'll see.
Good job making it through without too much drama! I can't believe we are almost there too. Mazana starts the 23rd and Tristan starts the 29th. At least I will get broken in while we are still in PC, because T will be in half day here before he starts full day in Florida. Florida? That sounds weird to think that I will be living in Florida!
Wow! So grown up! I know what you mean about missing them when they go back to school. After being together 24/7 all summer, I miss my kids for the first week or so, but I'm quickly over it :)!
Glad you survived that first day!
You are such a drama queen!
"After crying myself to sleep last night, I awoke to a severe headache and knot in my stomach."
I am sure I will cry when Alannah starts school in a few weeks, but loose sleep? No way! You will make it I promise!
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