Monday, August 21, 2006


I always start out Monday with the best of intentions of getting things done and then something always gets in my way!
I have been trying to clean out my kid's toys for about a week now. I have an appointment with a resell shop in town TOMORROW and I want to try to sell a few of their better toys/clothing. Unfortunately, the cleaning out hasn't happened so far, and it's already 4 pm! ARGH!
I still have three loads of laundry to do, but I can't start that until 8 pm, because of our energy saver electricity thing. I have to balance the checkbook, but who wants to do that? I have work to do, but cannot find the motivation to do anything but sit on my butt staring at my computer screen!
Is it the heat? Is it my kids? No, it's just a general feeling of lethargy I've had lately. I don't want to do anything. I think it's because my body and mind are finally allowing themselves to unwind after three plus months of insanity....
So, I'm going to allow myself this one day of nothingness. Although, I've still done three loads of laundry this morning, and went to the grocery store. Tonight, while J is at Bible study, maybe I'll find the motivation to go upstairs and get to work on the toy situation...and then again, maybe I won't....SO THERE!


Marlene said...

O.K., so we are on the same page today! The kids started school this morning, and I couldn't help but notice the BIG smiles on the Mom's faces (including mine) as we were leaving them off. I came home with good intentions of cleaning the house, going thru old clothes, paying the bills, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. But, all I could muster myself up to do was grocery shop...otherwise we'd have peanut butter sandwiches for dinner! What is the matter with us? I think I was just enjoying the PEACE and QUIET that was in my house that has been missing for 3 months!
Oh well, maybe next week! I'm sure everything will still be there! :)
Call me!

Alyson said...

Well, after six weeks of hanging around in pain (my back, remember?) I am now getting things done! My back still hurts, but I have started to get a lot of things cleaned out and cleaned up. I have packed several boxes to eliminate clutter. I refinished the cabinets in both of our bathrooms, cleaned out a good portion of the garage, buffed out my room, have gone through my clothes and the kids...I don't really have a choice at this point though. It is time to get things finished at our house. By the way, it is looking amazing! I'll post about things soon.

Jenell Coker said...

Give yourself a day a week to be a bum. We need the break and never give ourselves the chance to rest. Even God took a day of once a week.