Friday, January 13, 2006

when i am old i shall wear purple....

Jenell's post has started me thinking about getting old. I have felt really old lately. Just ugly and tired and blah!
But, I don't want to be sad or in pain or grumpy. I think that this is what I'll look like when I'm old. This picture is of my grandparents. My Grandma Stump (mom's mom) is one of the most cheerful people I've ever met. She is in pain a lot (she has osteoporosis (SP?)) but always has a smile on her face. Even when she cries, she smiles. I think she is so beautiful and if I have to get old, I'm glad that I have some of her genetics in me!
This picture is heinous of me, but I wanted you all to see my "pinchable" grandparents!


Marlene said...

So, is heinous your new word?? It's a fun one, and so useful!
I know what you mean about not wanting to get old. Its scary! But, just part of life that we can't change, so we have to make the best of it, and do whatever it takes to not look like that lady on Jenell's blog!
By the way, you'll look great in purple!
Miss you!

Jenell Coker said...

Beautiful! You are and you will be.