Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Sometimes I think I'm insane. Now I know that some of you THINK you already know that, but I'm serious!
So I started on Monday morning and a small part of me was bummed....INSANITY!!! I was thinking about how much I love my chickadees and how flippin cute they are and I thought "well....maybe it wouldn't be too bad..." INSANITY!!
Anyway, thanks Jenell for offering to take the new one.....I got a few chuckles when I read that. I'm already afraid you're going to steal Sam when you come! HA!
So, I'm not pregnant, nor do I want to be. But, if it were ever to happen, I guess I'd be OK with that too......INSANITY!!!!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Well, I ,personally, think that you are a bit insane! I mean, c'mon, aren't we all? I am "insanely" in love with my husband and kids, and, yes, I, too, get an occasional twinge to adopt again. But then I remember all the factors...especially how stressful and expensive adoption can be, and the fact that I would be almost 60 when the kid would graduate High School! YIKES!
Anyway, I think it is perfectly natural (and a little insane) to have those feelings of back and forth and what if's. Being a little insane makes you perfectly normal in my book!
Here's to us loons!