Tuesday, November 01, 2005


It's always amazing to me how God uses words of knowledge when we least expect it.
About a year and a half ago, a man named Bobby Conner came to our church to speak. He had a prophecy for each member of the staff and I was really surprised that I was included. He just spoke two scriptures over my name: Matthew 5:8 and Job 42:5. Here is what they say:

Matthew 5:8 - "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
Job 42:5 - "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you."

I always laughed when I thought of those verses, because if you know me AT ALL you know that I feel like a person who is not the least bit pure of heart! A man in our church started calling me "pure heart" when addressing me and I used to smile and think "ummm...no!"
However, over the last two weeks, both of these verses have been used either in Sunday service or BSF to encourage and enlighten me.
We sing a song in church about how "my ears have heard and now my eyes shall see your glory". On Sunday, our pastor, John Hernandez spoke about being pure of heart. Instead of addressing it like being pure of heart is always having pure thoughts/motives, he said that being pure of heart is having room in your heart ONLY for God and letting His love pour out over all the other things in your life (like family/spouse/finances, etc...) He had us make a list of all the things that we crowd into our heart and place over God. I think I wrote down 20 things....seriously! I was so convicted! And then it hit me....those who are pure of heart shall see God because God is all they see! When we start living like serving God is the most important thing, all things will fall into the place where GOD intends them to be.
Pray for me. We are taking the welcome class at our church and will have to make a decision in two weeks whether we would like to be members or not. We are really undecided and are feeling a little confused.
This learning stuff is kicking my butt.....but I have to say that I am SO loving it right now!


Jenell Coker said...

I see you as pure because there is no one else in you but you and the Lord. When we are only trying to be what God made us to be and not trying to be someone else, God has an easier time working with us. He wants the best you. Not the best idea of a super someone; just the best you. I see Him making you and being so thrilled at the thought of who you are. Seeing every imperfection and pitfall you might fall into, and making you the kind of person that would call on Him and then with His help you would fight to crawl out of every bad situation. He made you a fighter. It is so good not to sin in this but you should never be ashamed for being what He dreamed up when He was creating you.

Alyson said...

Jenell, how do you always know the right thing to say? Amen, sister.

Jen, you are amazing. I am glad God made you who he did. Life is much more interesting with you this way. I love how creative He is that He can think of so many different ways to make us all (in His image).

Marlene said...

Wow, those 2 are a tough act to follow. I have to agree with both of them, though, and I love what you said, too , Jen. I remember when Bobby Connor was there and when he said Job, you said, Oh great! But, little did you know, he was preparing you for this time in your life. You are an awesome person, and I'm a better person for knowing you! Just the way you are...just the way He planned you!