Saturday, November 12, 2005


I just finished reading the last book in the Mitford series. I'm feeling a little sad that this is the last time that I'm going to hear from these characters. "The Light from Heaven" is the seventh and final book about Father Tim and his people. It was a beautiful book that tied up most of the loose ends and ended how books like this should end.

I love happy endings. I love going to Mitford. I would love being a member in Father Tim's church - even if I have never been Episcopalian! I love the author - Jan Karon. She writes about a place that I would love to be a part of - even with all the snow! HA! Imagine that!

In my head I know that these people aren't real, but my heart still grieved when Uncle Billy died. I loved that Dooley and Lace end up together. I'm so glad that Father Tim and Cynthia are finally going on their long awaited vacation to Ireland.

I'll say it again...I love going to Mitford. When things in my world aren't fun or going the right way, all I have to do is open one of those books and I am transported into that world. A world where seasons come and seasons go, but relationship is the most important thing. A world where things go wrong, but there are people there to help pick up the pieces. A world where family means something!

I have to say that Father Tim has preached me a few sermons in these books. I have learned about a faith that knows no bounds. I have learned that we need to give thanks in matter how good or bad it is!

And so I close with a heavy heart. I know that's a little dramatic, but I'm really sad that there won't be an eighth book to look forward to. If you ever get a chance to read these books, you should. The journey to Mitford is one you won't soon forget.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have headlined "Warning... Spoiler ahead! Ah, such is life. I too have been preached many a sermon through good ol' Father Tim. As you know I'm reading the first book again and the things that are just jumping off the page! Holly Nellie. Just last night I read the part about Homeless Hobbs. Father Tim is visiting and asks him where he's at with God. Homeless responds that they speak (him and God) but it seems the reason for all of his clergy visitors is a hidden agenda of trying to get him into their church. HMMMMM. Seeing past the person and only to a numbered seat....