Wednesday, November 23, 2005


As I go into a really crazy weekend with my family reunion, I want to pause and say "thanks" to all of you who have stood by and with me for a long time.

Alyson - Thanks for being such a great friend. I so enjoy our talks, even though we don't get to talk very often now, it's always like no time has passed. Thanks for keeping in touch even though we live apart. God is really working in your life, and that is so exciting and wonderful to see. We are praying for your mom and hope that this Thanksgiving is special, even under the circumstances.

Jason and Jenell - Thanks for being such a safe place for me to go to. I had such a good time when Cais and I were there! You have both been such incredible friends to both J and I. We miss you and your laughs! Jenell, thanks for everything. You are such an incredible example to all who you come in contact with. You are a beautiful, talented woman and I am proud to call you my friend. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with Dave and Denise...please tell them we said "Hi".

Marlene - Thanks for your constant support and encouragement. There are some days that I feel like I'm about "done in" and I'll get an email from you telling me that you guys are praying. Thanks for taking on such a daunting task at the church. I have heard from many people that you are doing a fanatastic job. I am so thankful to count you as a friend! I hope that your Thanksgiving is wonderful and relaxing.

I just felt like I needed to do that. Sometimes we get so caught up in the craziness of life that we forget that we need to thank and be thankful for all those who have made a difference in our lives.
Anyway, my family is here and everyone has made it safely. It's so great to visit with everyone and see how two years has made such a difference in everyone's lives. This will be a difficult time for us, as Andrea will not be here to celebrate with us. It is weird to think that she won't be here. Her boys are coming though and for that I am thankful. Her kids are about the same age as Cais and Sam.

I love you all!


Jenell Coker said...

Thank you for your sweet words! I am thankful for you as well. I was thinking about that easter that our families hung out together and how it really was two families making one.

Marlene said...

Thanks, Jen! I can relate to getting caught up in the craziness of the Holiday stuff, and forgetting what it is really about. I am so thankful for you, too, and Jenell & Jason, and Alyson. You guys have made living so far from my family actually bearable, and I am truly grateful and blessed to call you my friends, as well.
I hope you had a fun weekend with all your family there with you!
Love ya lots, Marlene

Alyson said...

You've done it again! Thank you for your kind words. It is always a blessing to hear how my friends feel about me. I love you more than you know and miss you almost as much. I know that no matter how long we go between talking that we will always be able to pick up where we left off and that we will always be friends.