Wednesday, October 19, 2005


As I said before, God is really teaching me a lot lately. I can barely recover from one thing, and the next lesson is upon me.
The newest lesson deals with my attitude/reactions with my kids. I tend to yell A LOT and sometimes I don't even realize it. Yesterday, Cais stepped on my foot in the store and I calmly told her that it hurt and to watch where she was going. She paused, looked at me and said "Mom, why didn't you yell at me?" OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!! I just told her that I was trying to stop that and we went on with our day. But, I realized that she is getting to the age that things like that don't just roll off of her. They can pierce and wound her tender little heart.

We went to the zoo today and had a great time. We met my sister-in-law, Chris and two new friends, Nicole and Sarah. It was 82 degrees and beautiful. I purposefully tried to NOT yell today and to my relief I didn't. Even when Sam spilled the water bottle and just stared at it spilling all of the water for the day out, even when Cais was fighting with Niall, even when Sam was disobeying at the playground! But the most telling thing to me was that my kids were relaxed, calm and had a good time the entire day. Even Wil was a perfect angel.
Cais is such a huge helper for me. She is such a great kid and I love her so much. She loves to help get Wil ready and can even change his diapers when they are wet. She is learning so much and just loves being with mom. We are going to have a girls night w/Wil included on Friday with Chris and Charys. The boys are going off on a camping trip Friday/Saturday. I'm actually looking forward to the weekend!

Tonight is PowerBall! I have to confess that J bought three tickets.....what are the chances????? HA!


Jenell Coker said...

I know you can do this! One of my favorite bible verses is the one that says: blessed are the peacemakers for they shall see God. I think your kids will do better but I also think you will see more of God through this.
Love Ya

Alyson said...

I am proud of you for putting forth the effort to change a habit. It is so hard for us to stop doing the things we are so used to doing.

I find it kind of strange that since we are all apart we are making such mature choices! Who knows what we would have been doing if we were still together...

Anyway, you and Jenell are making me so proud so often these days.

Lots of love.

Marlene said...

O.K., I have to admit, I'm a yeller, too. I come from a long line of yellers. Come on, I know you're not that surprised. I, also, have been really trying to stop, and when my son recently told me..."Mom, you're doing really good. You haven't yelled at me this whole week!" Yes, it made me feel good, but also embarrassed, and ashamed. It is not a pretty thing. Especially to the people you love the most. I will pray for you, Jen, and I hope you will for me, too. We can do this! We are so much better than that!

Jen Johnson said...

Thanks guys for all your encouragement. I have to say that I have made it three days! Hooray!

P.S. Jason.....Jason....Jason... FUNNY! J got a good laugh out of that one! By the way, yes we would tithe, and yes I think they should take it. Oh and yes I'd call you long as you keep the smart aleck comments to yourself! HA!