Thursday, October 13, 2005

life - fact or fiction

I've been going through a huge period of growth in the last month. Learning to truly depend on God and to listen to what He's saying. Not always the easiest thing for me, as I don't really like to depend on anyone except myself. Personality flaw......I know.
Anyway, today at BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) the speaker was talking about having faith. We are studying Genesis and the Principal she stated was "When God says "no" it is NOT up for discussion." "If God is withholding something it is not His best for you. Will you trust Him with what you can't have?" This is something that I really stuggle with. I want what I want NOW! And I think that most of us are like that. I don't like to be told "no."
With J starting his business I feel like I am learning this Principal day by day. I CAN'T know the future and I CAN'T control the situation. I never thought about it in regards to not getting something you want means it's not God's best for you. Makes you think......
Is my life fact or fiction? Do I look at life realistically in terms of the blessings that I have from the Lord or do I let the enemy lie to me? I think this is a big turning point in my relationship with the Lord. I need to stop loving the things of the world and start looking AT the world with godly eyes.
I'm fasting from chocolate in order to help my sister-in-law keep up her not smoking pledge. I figure this is my first step into being real with myself. I can say all day that I'll pray for her....while I'm eating my chocolate cake! HA! It's quite another to walk the road with her and give up my own addiction. She put it best when she said, "How would you feel if you knew that you could NEVER have another piece of chocolate again? Could you do it?" This is how she feels about smoking. And, since my brother started smoking again, it's even harder. But, while I was talking to her I realized that everyone has their own addiction. For me, it's chocolate. Sad to say, it is my comfort. I turn to chocolate instead of to God whenever the chips (no pun intended) are down. And that is truly the nature of addiction, isn't it?
I'm learning....the hard way (as always)....but I'm still learning!

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