Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I heard on the radio today that in a study of over 5500 kids that breastfed kids are no smarter than formula fed....HA! Vindication?!?!?!?
Sorry - I just had to include that......

Anyway, here is a quick update.
We are doing fine. The church is so wonderful - Ben has been challenging and stretching J and I to think beyond our small circle and so we have been trying to reach out to others in our neighborhood/school/soccer games, etc... Really trying to love others with God's love...which means EVERYONE, no matter how needy or weird or irritating they are! HARD!!!! We are really starting to feel a part of something amazing. Everyone has been so welcoming and encouraging. It so reminds me of what we had in Heber....
Kids are great. This picture is from Crazy Hair day...Sam had a mohawk (which you can't see real well) and Cais had pigtails all over her head. It's Spirit Week at Destiny, so they are having fun. A whole week with no uniforms! They are looking forward to Halloween and Fall Break (next week). Wil is doing great too. He so wants to be in school like his brother and sister. So, I think I'm going to try and get him into the Gilbert Park and Rec. program like I did with Sam.
J's job is going well. He has won a couple of bids, so that is encouraging. He has worked so hard, it's nice to see it pay off finally. He is really getting involved in church, with men's group and helping with set-up/tear down.
I'm doing good as well. Doing a little work for Amadeo as well as helping with the women's Bible study. My mom started working a couple days a week, so I have been using those days to get all my housework done. BSF is great - we are studying the book of Romans this year and it has been really interesting. I'm so busy, I can't sit down for two minutes!
We are still looking for a house. We really would like to live in the neighborhood where we have church. Please pray that God would lead us to where HE wants us to be. We want to be effective witnesses in our neighborhood! Luckily, we have a couple months before we have to make any decisions.
Anywhoo....that was a longer update that I expected! Hope all is well with all of you!


Marlene said...

Wow! Sounds like my life, running from here to there with little time to stop and relax. Glad to hear things are going well for you guys. I love the hands on hip little attitude on my boy, Sam, and Cais, wow what a beauty! We miss you lots!
Love the new look, too!

Alyson said...

Sounds good. I'm glad to hear you're doing better. It sounds like y'all are starting to settle in and I'm sure that is nice. It sounds so good to me in my current state of unsetteledness.

Cute picture.