Thursday, July 06, 2006

my baby

First of all, I have to say that my kids cracked me up today. While in the middle of Kohl's, my three children walk up to me decked out in movie star type sunglasses and say, "What's up Baby Girl?" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went school shopping with my kids today. Not generally my favorite thing to do, as my kids could really give two flips about what I have to get them for school. I was alright until Sam was trying on backpacks (courtesy of my mom - thanks!) and I realized that my baby really is going to kindergarten in about four weeks.

I know that Sam is not the baby of our family, but he is my baby. He has been through the most (ear tubes/breathing problems/adenoid and tonsil removal/ear tube removal/pulled tooth...etc...). I feel a certain amount of dread going into August 4th. While I'm excited that he is going to FINALLY get to go to school, I am also aware that our relationship will change. That is what is hard to deal with.
Right now, I am his favorite person to be with. Soon, friends and teachers will be the ones who get to see him more.

Sam is my one patient, tolerant and easy-going child. Cais and Wil are just like me, high strung and emotional. Sam is more like his daddy, willing to let people be who they are and hang with that. I don't want the world to change that in him. I am glad that they are going to Destiny, at least they will have somewhat of a Christian influence there.

I know that many of you are dealing with this same thing. Aiden, Tristan and Alannah will all start kindergarten as well this fall. For some of you it's the last one there, others it's the first...but I have to say that even with your middle it's hard... it's just not going to be easy to see my first-born son walk away from me and into a whole new world just waiting for him.....


Marlene said...

I am now feeling like a seasoned veteran at the whole Kindergarten send-off! I'm not going to sugar coat it for is hard! It's even worse when the day comes that they tell you that they don't need you to walk in with them anymore..."I can do it by myself, Mom". But, these are treasured, milestone moments, and you will get through it. Yes, you will shed a few tears, maybe a lot with Sam, but you will survive. Your love for him and the relationship you have now will change some as he grows, but you will always have that special bond...I'm speaking from experience here. Sam is a sweet, precious young man. I miss him so much! Cute pictures, too!

So, the countdown begins... :)

Jenell Coker said...

I feel the same way about my middle! It is hard to watch them grow up, however it is beautiful as well. I can't believe I will be sending off Savannah if a few days! I also would not change it for the world. She is everything I wanted and hoped for her when she was small. We will always love the pre-school time but to see what they become is an amazing ride.

Alyson said...

Too much emotion for me...I can't even comment!