Wednesday, November 29, 2006

the good, the bad, and the ugly

So, we had a nice Thanksgiving and all that. Never been a big fan of turkey and stuffing, so it was just another meal to me. I AM looking forward to Christmas where we are going to have a big Mexican fiesta on Christmas day! THAT is something to look forward to!
Anywhoo....this week has been quite interesting, so I thought I'd share a few observations with you on the week that was November 22-29, 2006:

The good:
Had fun with family for to read a HILARIOUS story about Chris' Thanksgiving on her myspace page (25 lb. turkey with an attitude! HA!).....had a nice weekend just relaxing with my to go shopping....made a gingerbread house....put up Christmas decorations and did the tree with the was so great to see Aaron and Christina on Thanksgiving and spend some time with them.... I am going to start getting paid by the church, so HALLELUJAH! Hopefully, I won't have to look for another job as well - keep up your prayers!

The bad:
Wil woke up at 2:30 am Thanksgiving morning and threw his guts up all day.....took my car back to the shop for the 5th time and it STILL isn't fixed right......Sam was sent home for the third time in as many weeks for throwing up....found out that I won't be able to go to Florida in Feb.....just too busy - so next year for sure!

The ugly:
Black Friday - oh my goodness...oh my goodness....what is up with the insane people getting up at 4 am to stand in line in front of a store for 2 hrs., only to have everything gone 5 min. after the store opens? Do not ever ask me to do that was not was actually sad to see the greed come out in people....a little disconcerting to say the least.....I got yelled at by a lady and you know that really doesn't work well for me.....all in all not a "good time"......

Anyway, that was a brief snapshot of the week. If you haven't been watching "Heroes" or "Friday Night Lights", you don't know what you're missing! Man, it's nice to actually watch some well written shows for once! If you get a chance, check them out!

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