Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Well, I went to the doctor today. I found out that I might have a condition called "interstitial cystitis." This is when certain foods eat away the lining of the bladder causing pits to form. Over time, this causes the person to have to go to the bathroom between 10-20 times a day and over 4 times at night. I have been dealing with this for about two years now and I am DONE!
So, I go in for more tests next Friday. Hopefully, this is what it is and I can get treatment. Otherwise, I'll have to have more tests to find out what it is.
Unfortunately, if I do have it, I will no longer be able to have any food that I like anymore. You can't have soda, chocolate, most sugars, spicy foods or fruit. So, YEA! But, I guess it's worth it, just to feel better!
Thanks for your prayers - all went well!


Alyson said...

I am glad to hear that things went well. I hope that they figure it out quickly and get you treated. If my mom can give up coke and chocolate anyone can!

Foxxy One said...

I came across your blog on bloglines. I have a friend with IC and has been dealing with it (mostly successfully) for many years. I'd be happy to put you in touch with her if you have questions about diet and/or treatments.

Jen Johnson said...

Thanks Julie - I would love to get in touch with your friend! My email address is That would be really great to hear from someone who is dealing with this!
Thanks again,