Friday, March 31, 2006

well...I have it!

I went to the doctor today for my followup appointment. They confirmed that I do have interstital cystitis. It's going to involve a lot. Medication (which is through the roof expensive - to the tune of $200 a MONTH!), diet change (no more chocolate and soda kids!) and a twice a week appointment at the doctor's for the next six weeks. UGH!
So, I am relieved that I'm not insane...but, I'm really worried about affording the medication. I don't know how long I'm required to take it. Just pray that we're able to figure all this out. It's going to drastically change our lives. Probably for the good and definitely healthier!
Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers! I feel quite protected and loved when I have you guys around!
Love Ya,


Marlene said...

Hi! I was going to call you today to find out about your appt., but saw it here first. Well, I'm glad you got a diagnosis and know what to treat now, and that your not just losing your mind! (among other things):) Jen, please know that we are praying for you to get better and completely over this, and also to be able to handle all the dietary changes. I know that will be difficult at first, but maybe a blessing in disguise...and much healthier, too. We love you lots, and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you from here.
Love ya!

Alyson said...

Sometimes it is nice to have them find something. It always seems when I go in there is "nothing wrong". I hate that. Even though the meds are expensive it is good to know that it can be treated and hopefully your life will be changing soon. I will pray for God to provide the money each month. Hopefully you won't have to take the medication forever. I love you and am glad to hear your horizon is bright.

gathering lilies said...

Hi Jen!

Finally made it to your blog, via the recent 50-post hiatus at Jason's for a couple of days! Have thought of you since you left - wondering how you have settled. Sorry I arrived here to a medical diagnosis -> should the changes in diet sort out the problem after a while, so that you can stop meds before those bills mount up too much? Hope that you will start feeling better quickly.

Gracie says "Hi :o)" We enjoyed your birthday pic on the previous post. She and Savannah are counting down the days to their Panama adventure. I'm so glad they can go together - growing fast.

Will keep following your progress here. Blessing for now, Jen A